Pottali Massage

In Ayurveda Pottali massage is most popular massage therapy practiced in India for local pain ,relaxing body, nourishing & rejuvenating . It is also advised for elevating pain due to Osteoarthritis, Spondylitis & other joints pain .It contains selected herbs both fresh or dried .Its a part of pre -panchkarma treatment .This pottali massage is also known as Patra pind swed.This type of massage will be done with raw herbs as wet massage and sand or salt for dry pottali massage.Another one is Shashtik Sali swed ,there we use a typical type of rice cooked in milk and perform vigorous massage whole body or affected parts.
Collection of various vatahara (Vata pacifying)leaves in grated form like as – Chest tree leaves ,Thorn apple leaves, Castor leaves,Fennel leaves ,Calotropis leaves, Mahanarayan oil, Himalayan rock salt ,Mango ginger, Fenugreek powder.
- First of all clean and wash all the leaves with freshwater.
- Chopped or grated all the leaves in small pieces.
- Keep frying pan / vessel on oven on medium heat.
- Add Mahanarayan oil 100ml/50ml in quantity as per size of the area of affected parts.
- Fennel seeds, rock salt, stirring well and then added all the chopped leaves .
- Stirring well then added mango ginger and fenugreek powder , till all the seeds will be tender .
- Take it out from pan & keep it in a plate.
18 inches square cotton cloth ,2 in number ,approx. 5 feet long cotton threads ( 2in number).
All ingredients wrap in cloth and roll up into a tight pouch ,tie tightly with string.
Use- Make two pottli for alternate use.
First on the induction heater ,heat the pottli on that one by one and use simultanealsy.
Before use check the warmthness of pottli on ur hands then use on the affected parts of the patients.
Time -30 mints